Solar projects are like electric symphonies. An ensemble of installers, engineers, designers, and admins orchestrate complex tasks to create a self-sustaining clean energy powerhouse. Every single detail matters. As with a symphony, if one note is off, the entire project will fall apart. And, unfortunately, we’ve seen a trend of solar projects coming apart due to the wrong cable glands.
Cable glands are tiny, yet they hold an enormous impact on solar projects. In the simplest terms, they secure the panel wiring to the inverter. This junction between inverter and cable holds critical importance. Without a solid connection, the inverter can’t power the array. If the connection is faulty, this error could result in reduced production, inverter damage, fines, or even fires!
Why Details Matter
Proper cable glands provide earthing, grounding, and strain relief. Their seals prevent contaminants from reaching the inverter, and in the event of a fire, contain sparks and prevent flames from spreading.
Due to how critical the inverter-cable connection is, cable glands are integral to system safety. However, there are dozens of connectors to choose from because specs vary so much from project to project. A connector that is perfect for one job will be disastrous for a job with slightly different requirements.
Every job site has different needs regarding temperature resistance, cable size, cable construction, water, and corrosion resistance. Not only do improper cable glands cause corrosion and inverter damage, they pose fire hazards. Local authorities will flag incorrect cable glands and issue fines. The costs associated with compliance penalties and project delays are steep.
Similar to the current situation with MC4 Connectors, the exploding solar market has resulted in the market being flooded with counterfeit parts. We want our customers to have the right parts for the job so that projects come in on time and under budget with happy customers. Our 4mm M25 Multi-Hole Gland will get the job done safely and securely. Every time.