Beware Of Imitation MC4 Connectors

Compliance Bulletin- Beware Imitation MC4 Connectors

Solar is an incredibly expensive business. It is tempting to cut overhead by purchasing low- cost supplies, such as cheap connectors instead of genuine Staubli Multi Contact MC4 connectors. However, many companies unknowingly expose themselves to massive liability by seeking low upfront costs.

Manufacturers create plug connector components with extremely precise specifications. Quality parts are designed to work with other quality parts. Period. It is possible to jury-rig third party parts together that have been certified for compatibility. Certification ensures that the parts work together from an electrical perspective. But, that doesn’t mean they’ll work together long term!

The tiny differences in manufacturing specs between brands often cause disaster. Major risks include corrosion, product damage, even fines from local authorities. Misalignment between parts allows moisture to gather, causing the metal to corrode. Water can flow to the junction box, causing ground faults, short circuits, and module failure.

Module failure will reduce the array’s production, creating unhappy customers. The cost to repair the faulty equipment and refund the customers’ production guarantee can easily run into thousands of dollars. In the absolute worst case scenario, misalignment between connectors will create friction and result in a fire. Not only would a fire be costly, it would create horrific brand damage that a company might never overcome. In fact, most authorities will flag cheap knockoff components as fire hazards and issue fines.

If, and most likely when, a compatible non-MC4 connector causes a problem, the warranty will not cover damages. Multi-Contact includes an exclusion clause in their warranty: “Multi-Contact does not assume liability for unauthorized plug combinations with third-party products.”

While it may seem tempting to cut costs by purchasing burgain connectors, the risk is immense. Jury rigged systems are a compliance nightmare that will probably result in fines. Even if the inspectors don’t catch the fakes, corrosion and system failure risks loom. The threat of corrosion, catastrophic electric problems, and fires outweigh the slight financial gain.

Always purchase genuine Staubli Multi Contact MC4 Connectors from valid distributors like Ceca Products.

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